If this space is suitable (empty with dirt, coarse dirt, rooted dirt, grass block, farmland, podzol, mycelium, moss block, mud or muddy mangrove roots beneath) the fruit is created. The attempt to grow a fruit happens when the mature stem would grow again (to "phase 9") and is not already adjacent to an instance of its fruit. Bone meal may be used to accelerate growth.

The stem itself has 8 phases of growth until maturity. The growth rate of melon and pumpkin stems and the spawning of melon and pumpkin fruit is determined by the same growth rate algorithm as for wheat, carrots, and potatoes. Note: Pre-1.13 players must put the whole pumpkin in a crafting area and craft it into 4 seeds. On average, it takes around 272 seconds (4 minutes, 31 seconds) for each stem to generate fruit (be it a Pumpkin or a Melon). The melon drops melon slices when mined, yielding 1 seed each when putting in a crafting area. If you do have a whole pumpkin or melon, but no seeds, simply place the pumpkin in a crafting grid, which yields 4 seeds, or, alternatively, place the pumpkin somewhere and use shears on it.

Pumpkin and melon seeds can both be found in minecarts with chests inside mineshafts, and in chests in dungeons.Melons can be found growing "wild" in jungles or in savanna villages.Pumpkins can be found growing "wild" in any biome with grass or in taiga villages.You can either find seeds in chests or find whole melons or pumpkins and craft them into seeds. To begin farming, seeds must first be found. Only mature stalks can grow pumpkins and melons. When planted, they create a stalk that starts out short, but grows and becomes yellow as it matures. Surprisingly, water is not needed to grow pumpkins or melons. Once the plants are mature, they provide a steady supply of fruit for your needs. Melons and pumpkins use essentially the same mechanics for growth and can be easily farmed with the same techniques. 4.6.1 Design 11 - High-density pumpkin and melon farm.4.5.2 Design 10 - stackable horizontal piston observer melon/pumpkin farm.4.3.1 Design 6 (doesn’t work in bedrock edition).